
都内私大に通っている女子大生。2019年 6月からフィリピン・シリマン大学に1年間正規留学しています。留学情報・カオスな事件・日々の思想 (日英気まぐれです)




Have you ever heard this quote?

“Helping a person cannot change the whole world,  but it can change the world for one person“
I think everyone has struggles or sad experiences in life but few of them have actually had opened them up because...
1) We tend to think people do not really care even though we open up
2) We do not have the courage to make it in public
and more reasons probably...
I am the one who just keeps complaining about my struggles to specific others like friends and family, but I would like to change this now and say "I used to be the one".
As I start to believe the quote above, I decided to share my struggles and speak up about it for someone who may encounter or who are facing a similar situation currently not only to help them but also to make an action in public. 
At the same time, I am willing to introduce something enjoyable or positive involvement so that someone can also do the same to be fulfilled. I used to be the one who thinks selfishly that I do not want to share fun stuff that I did because I felt unfair to just tell others to join without their effort to figure it out. You know? but I want to try (at least) to share from now on. 
Because I am studying abroad in the Philippines, I want to introduce cultural differences, language barriers, how to improve English etc...
Hope many will read, share, and there are some people who will be saved by what I wrote here!
This is the theme of my blog.